The most versatile and customizable document management system


Digitize physical documents with OCR and ICR systems


Integrated with UNAWA SignSecure, SafeForm, and eNotary

Digitize your physical library

UNAWA ForMA leverages the digital workplace through better document management and retrieval. Our OCR technology modernizes the document life cycle to make information more future-proof, secure, and accessible.

OCR allows organizations to future-proof their operations by maintaining a comprehensive and accessible record of their information.

OCR modernizes document management by eliminating the need for paper-based systems. It makes documents easily searchable and accessible.

OCR keeps documents secure by limiting access to confidential information and by implementing encryption protocols.

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Begin your totally paperless workflow
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Use Cases
Why use UNAWA ForMA


    Human Resources

                Real Estate

Use Cases
Why use UNAWA ForMA


  Human Resources

                Real Estate








UNAWA ForMA is a digital system that helps businesses manage and store documents. It's like a giant virtual filing cabinet customizable to fit any company's needs. With UNAWA ForMA, businesses can streamline their document management processes and save time and money by going paperless. You can upload your documents or create from UNAWA SafeForm™ templates and sign them through UNAWA SignSecure™.

UNAWA ForMA helps organizations save time and money by streamlining workflows, encouraging collaboration, and simplifying document management. Consequently, it may be a smart investment that raises production while cutting costs.

Yes, a productive workflow is made possible by the seamless integration of UNAWA ForMA with other UNAWA products like UNAWA SignSecure™ and UNAWA SafeForm™. UNAWA RNotary™ is available separately should there be a need to notarize your documents.

PDFs, pictures, and other digital document formats are compatible with UNAWA ForMA. This makes it simple for businesses to maintain all their paperwork in one location.

UNAWA ForMA employs cutting-edge security techniques, including encryption and access controls, to guarantee the confidentiality and privacy of your documents. Advanced user authentication techniques like email, access codes, and third-party ID checks are also used by UNAWA ForMA.

UNAWA ForMA allows numerous users to access and work together on the same document in real-time, fostering efficient teamwork and communication.

To help organizations make the most of their document management system and ensure a smooth transition to digital document storage, UNAWA ForMA offers customer assistance and training.

UNAWA ForMA's cost varies depending on the size and needs of your business. Please get in touch with us for a personalized quote.