7 Biggest Document Management Problems and Their Solutions

January 25, 2024 by
RJ Gumban

In today's fast-paced remote working world, efficient document management isn't just a convenience—it's a necessity. Picture this: a sea of digital files, each a vital cog in the machinery of modern business, yet so often lost in the clutter of disorganized systems.

This challenge is even more pronounced for businesses in the Philippines, where the blend of traditional practices meets the surge of digital transformation.

Navigating this digital labyrinth requires more than good intentions; it demands smart, streamlined solutions.

As we delve into the common hurdles of document management, let's explore the problems and the innovative ways to turn these challenges into opportunities for growth and efficiency.

Problem #1: Inefficient Document Access and Retrieval

Picture this: a staggering 21% of business productivity loss can be attributed to document management woes. In the bustling digital landscape of the Philippines, where remote work is rapidly gaining ground, this inefficiency isn't just a minor inconvenience; it's a significant hurdle.

Employees often find themselves trapped in a time-consuming quest, navigating through a disorganized system to locate that one elusive document. More than just a source of frustration, this chaos leads to an estimated 19.8% of business time—the equivalent of one day per working week—being wasted on document-related challenges.

The impact? Delayed projects, mounting stress, and a tangible dent in overall productivity.


The solution lies in embracing cloud-based document management systems. These systems revolutionize the way documents are stored, accessed, and retrieved. By implementing such a system, businesses can ensure that documents are securely stored, intelligently organized, and easily accessible.

This shift can dramatically reduce time spent on document retrieval, streamline workflows, and enhance team collaboration, especially in remote working scenarios.

At the end of this digital transformation journey, tools like UNAWA's ForMA can be the subtle yet powerful catalyst. It offers a tailored solution that aligns with these principles, providing an organized, efficient, and user-friendly document management experience, making it a fitting choice for businesses looking to conquer the chaos of digital document management.

Problem #2: Security Risks and Data Breaches

As we transition from the challenges of document retrieval to security, the stakes get even higher. Inadequate document security measures are a lurking danger that can lead to catastrophic data breaches.

In the Philippines, where cyber threats are rising, the vulnerability of poorly protected documents poses a serious risk to businesses. A single breach can result in losing sensitive information, financial damage, and a tarnished reputation.

The alarming statistic that 43% of cyber attacks target small businesses underscores the critical need for robust document security. This threat is not just about external attacks; internal mishandling and unauthorized access also contribute to the security dilemma.


Implementing encrypted document storage is paramount to fortify defenses against these risks. Encryption acts as a digital fortress, shielding sensitive data from unauthorized eyes. But security doesn't stop at encryption.

Role-based access controls (RBAC) ensure only authorized personnel can access specific documents. This layered approach to security—combining encryption with RBAC—creates a robust barrier against both external and internal threats.

It's a strategy that protects valuable data and instills confidence among stakeholders and clients. A solution like ForMA can seamlessly integrate into this secure digital environment, offering encrypted storage and customizable access controls.

Problem #3: Compliance Issues

Building on robust security measures, we encounter another critical aspect: compliance. In the Philippines, businesses face a complex web of legal and regulatory requirements, making compliance a challenging endeavor. Ensuring that every document meets these standards can be daunting, especially when dealing with vast amounts of data.

Non-compliance is not just a minor slip; it can lead to legal repercussions, hefty fines, and damage to a company's credibility.

The challenge intensifies with the evolving nature of these regulations, requiring businesses to be perpetually alert and responsive.


The key to navigating this labyrinth of compliance lies in automation. Implementing automated compliance checks within document management systems can be a game-changer. This technology proactively scans documents and workflows, ensuring they align with the latest legal and regulatory standards.

Regular audits further reinforce this compliance framework, providing an ongoing review mechanism to identify and rectify any lapses.
In this context, a solution like ForMA becomes an invaluable ally. With its advanced features, ForMA can support automated compliance checks and facilitate regular audits, making it easier for businesses to stay on top of compliance requirements.

Problem #4: Poor Collaboration and Sharing Capabilities

Transitioning from compliance issues, we encounter another significant hurdle in the digital workspace: poor collaboration and sharing capabilities. In the Philippines, where remote work and distributed teams are increasingly common, collaborating effectively on documents is crucial.

However, many businesses struggle with either too cumbersome or disjointed tools, leading to communication breakdowns and bottlenecks in workflow. This inefficiency in collaboration can significantly hinder team productivity, causing delays in project completion and a decrease in overall work quality.

The challenge is not just about sharing documents; it's about enabling seamless teamwork and real-time interaction, regardless of physical location.


The solution to this challenge lies in integrating real-time collaboration tools within document management systems. These tools allow team members to work on documents simultaneously, communicate changes instantly, and make decisions swiftly.

A document management system can transform into a dynamic workspace that fosters teamwork and creativity by incorporating live editing, comment threads, and version-tracking features.

In this context, a platform like ForMA can play a pivotal role. ForMA's potential integration of these collaborative tools can bridge the communication gaps, ensuring that teams can work together efficiently, even when miles apart.

This approach enhances productivity and nurtures a more connected and engaged remote workforce, a critical factor for business success in today's Philippines' digital landscape.

Problem #5: Overwhelming Paperwork and Manual Processes

As we move from digital collaboration, we confront another pervasive issue in the modern workplace: the overwhelming burden of paperwork and manual processes.

In the Philippines, many businesses still grapple with traditional document handling and storage methods, leading to inefficiencies that bog down daily operations. The physical management of documents is time-consuming and prone to errors and loss.

This reliance on paper-based systems hinders quick access to information, slows down response times, and ultimately impacts the agility of a business. As you know, speed and efficiency are paramount, and sticking to these archaic practices can be a significant setback.


The antidote to this problem is a decisive shift towards a paperless environment facilitated by digital document management. By transitioning to digital systems, businesses can dramatically reduce their reliance on physical documents, streamline processes, and improve efficiency.

Digital document management allows for quick searching, secure storage, and easy sharing of documents while reducing the physical space and resources consumed by paper files.

In this digital transition, a platform like ForMA can be instrumental. ForMA's capabilities in managing digital documents align perfectly to create a paperless workplace. It offers an efficient, organized, and accessible way to handle documents, paving the way for more streamlined, eco-friendly, and modern business operations in the Philippines.

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Problem #6: Inadequate Version Control

Emerging from the discussion of transitioning to a paperless environment, we encounter the critical issue of inadequate version control in document management. In the dynamic business landscape of the Philippines, where documents are frequently updated and shared, ineffective version control can lead to significant confusion and errors.

Multiple document versions can circulate within a team, creating discrepancies and misunderstandings. This lack of clarity affects the accuracy of the information and leads to inefficiencies in decision-making and project management.

The challenge is maintaining a single source of truth for each document, ensuring everyone works on the latest, most accurate version.


The solution to this problem is to implement robust version control features within document management systems. Version control allows for tracking changes made to a document, providing a clear history of edits and updates.

This feature ensures all team members can access a document's latest version while preserving previous versions for reference or audit purposes.

Implementing version control helps maintain the integrity and consistency of documents, a crucial aspect in fast-paced business environments.

In this context, a platform like ForMA can be particularly beneficial. ForMA's potential integration of version control features can streamline the management of document versions, reducing the risk of errors and enhancing overall document integrity.

Problem #7: Lack of Customization and Scalability

As we address the various facets of document management, we arrive at a crucial challenge: the lack of customization and scalability in many systems. In the evolving business environment of the Philippines, where companies are constantly growing and changing, a one-size-fits-all approach to document management is no longer viable.

Businesses need systems that can adapt to their expanding needs, accommodating new processes, workflows, and increasing volumes of data.

Without this flexibility and scalability, organizations may be constrained by their systems, unable to evolve efficiently or capitalize on new opportunities.

The need for customization is also paramount, as each business has unique requirements and processes that a standard document management system may not adequately support.


The key to overcoming this challenge is choosing document management solutions that are both scalable and customizable. Scalable solutions ensure that as a business grows, its document management system can expand to meet increased demands without compromising performance.

Customization options allow businesses to tailor the system to their needs, ensuring it aligns with their unique workflows and processes. This approach future-proofs the company and enhances efficiency by providing tools and features directly relevant to the organization's operations.

In this regard, a platform like ForMA stands out as an ideal solution. ForMA's design, which potentially offers scalability and customization, can adapt to the changing needs of businesses, supporting their growth and evolution.


In our journey through the seven major document management challenges, we've uncovered critical solutions for enhancing efficiency and security in the digital workspace.

From streamlining document access to fortifying data security and embracing scalable, customizable systems, these strategies are crucial for businesses in the Philippines to navigate the complexities of the modern remote working environment.

Adopting these solutions is not just an upgrade; it's a transformative step towards optimized operations and sustainable growth. We encourage businesses to reflect on their current practices and consider how these insights can be integrated for improved document management.

If you're ready to elevate your document management system or have experiences to share, UNAWA is here to assist. Sign up to ForMA now for expert solutions tailored to your needs, and join us in shaping a more efficient, secure future in document management.

RJ Gumban January 25, 2024
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